Friday, July 11, 2014

Finally some good aerial photos of Palmyra Atoll

When we took off from Palmyra yesterday the pilots did a loop around the island, so we were all scrambling to the windows to get photos. I have been finding and using (with proper photo credit) aerial photos taken by others, but I really wanted to have some of my own. They are not perfect, and I would have loved it if the pilots had circled the atoll a second time, I am still pleased with how some came out. I may call upon Chris Patton to photoshop out some of the reflections from the window glass that show up in some of the photos.

This is the best photo I got that shows the entire atoll.

Palmyra Atoll looking from east to west

A view of some of the islands on the eastern side of Palmyra.

eastern islands of Palmyra

Here is a picture of the north/south causeway the U.S. Navy built during WWII.

north/south causeway

Here is part of the runway on Cooper Island.

runway on Cooper Island

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